God’s Blessings For Your Generations

“Lord, You have been our dwelling place throughout all generations”. (Psalm 90:1)

This is a blessed day for you. As God blesses you, you will multiply and you will witness an increase in your life. He will not only bless you but will bless your generation ( Psalm 115:12-14). Also, Psalm 90:1 states a beautiful promise, “Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations”.
In another translation it says,” you are the one in whom we live” and the Tamil translation it says, “from generation to generation you are a strong tower and the righteous one run into it and are safe”. God loves you and your generation. The Bible says in Psalm 14: 5 “ For God is in the generation of the righteous”.

As you have given your life to God, God remembers you and will bless not only you, but also your spouse, your family and the generations to come. When God sows His seed in you; the seed of righteousness through the washing of His blood, He will cleanse you and makes you his own child. And then that seed of Grace will grow in the generations to come. Many times you don’t see the fruits of the seed you have sown; the seed of righteousness, of having forgiven others and helping the needy. But God will make it grow at the right time. We don’t know what’s happening inside of you as the seed grows. But at the right time, God will make it into a beautiful plant and the roots will go into your children’s children. So don’t be afraid. The same Holy Spirit that is within you, will descend on your children. Not only you have given birth to them, but you have given birth to righteousness, godliness, in their life and soon you will see the results in them. It’s so beautiful when God blesses our children before our own eyes and they walk in righteousness.
In Psalm 10:6, we read, “ He hath said in his heart, I shall not be moved: for I shall never be in adversity”.This is the voice of the unrighteous.But God promises to make you grounded in Him from generation to generation. And you can never be shaken. And not only you but also your children’s children will not be moved. The righteousness can’t be shaken, the prosperity can’t be shaken and the anointing can’t be shaken. Because when God calls us He makes a covenant with us, “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed” (Isaiah 54:10).

Dear friends, some time ago me and my family visited our friend. And as we were having a confabulation, a pastor walked in. Looking straight at me and my wife, he said, “ There’s somebody in your family, with whom God has made a covenant with. He will bless you and lift you even more higher. Of course, he wasn’t aware that Br. D.G.S, my father left for his heavenly abode on 20 July, 1967. It’s so wonderful that God reminded us of this covenant, almost after 50 years. And God says, this covenant is forever. I was thrilled to know about it. The covenant that God makes with you will never be broken. Be of good cheeer! Your children will be seekers of the Lord and will be blessed. They will walk under God’s guidance. God’s grace will be upon you and your family.

Loving Heavenly Father, help me to be grounded firmly in you. Let not the worries shake my faith in you. For all your promises are true and will be fulfilled in my life.

In Jesus name, I pray.