Lord’s Favour On You – Sis. Stella Dhinakaran

“Remember me, O Lord, with the favour You have toward Your people. Oh, visit me with Your salvation.” (Psalm 106:4)We all have a desire to be blessed with a God-centred family filled with His presence and peace all the time.  But when this gets disturbed by the unrighteous ways of even one person in the family, we collapse as if there was a quake in the foundation.  Do not worry.  Beyond your care and concern for your family members, the Lord Jesus who shed His precious blood for every person is drawing them towards Him with His cords of love. They can neither escape God’s love nor your prayers.  Acts 16:31 says, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your household.”  For sure, the fire of salvation would spread to all in your family! A young girl led a carefree life. She followed her heart and sought the pleasures and lusts of this world. She did not heed the counsel and advice of her family members, the pastors and the servants of God. She was climbing on the ladder of sin and reached the summit of sinful life as days went by. For this girl who was swimming in the sea of sin, an opportunity came unexpectedly to attend a spiritual revival meeting. In the beginning, she was indifferent to the proceedings that were going on. But, later on, the Word of God spoke directly to her and moved her heart. Yes! The Word of God is living and powerful (Hebrews 4:12). The more she heard, the more her heart was moved. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she wept. This is the grace of God! Where sin abounded, the grace of God abounded much more (Romans 5:20). This word became true in her life. She threw away her past sinful life and started abiding in God and in His glorious presence. She received from the hands of God a new heart, soul, body and life. Beloved, muse on the unshakeable God’s love that pursues every person and remains in faith.  Your loved ones would not be lost in their sins or addictions.  God’s light will overcome darkness.  Just say, “Remember me, O Lord, with the favour You have toward Your people. Oh, visit me and my family with Your salvation” (Psalm 106:4).  You will see the victory soon.  Because, the Bible says, “In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37) your dwelling will become a place of peace and joy!