Heavenly Revelation -Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

“…there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets…” (Daniel 2:28)The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 2:9,10 as, “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” the things God has prepared for those who love Him – these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.”  Beloved, as God wants you to prosper in everything, He does not withhold anything good from you. Ask and receive every good thing from the Father in heaven who is the source of all good gifts – wisdom, discernment, healing of mind, healing of body, understanding, decision-making capacity, unity, spiritual blessings, etc.

One of my friend, a pious man, works in a famous company. The owner of the company once saw an advertisement about a very expensive project offered by a Western country that was ready to invest millions of dollars. He was certain that if only they could work it out properly and get the project for the company, it would be very profitable. But he did not know how to achieve it. Then my friend told him, “Sir, give us a day’s time. We will fast and pray. The Lord will reveal everything regarding the project to us.” The owner, who did not know anything about our Lord, encouraged them to pray. At once, my friend and two other young men knelt down in the office and prayed the whole night with one accord. The Lord heard their prayers and spoke to my friend through a vision. He clearly explained how to execute the project. They did as the Lord had told them. The project was a success and all the three of them were promoted to top positions in the company. This is how God brings success into your life. When you seek His counsel in any matter, He will surely guide you. You will be honoured above others. Even in the Bible, we read that Daniel and his friends were raised to highest positions in the palace, as they were diligent in seeking God in prayer.  And the God in heaven who reveals secrets” (Daniel 2:28) empowered them to handle every situation with wisdom from God.  So, pray over everything to receive His counsel and guidance.  You will be more than a conqueror.


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